📄️ The Fee
All builders connected to MEV Blocker will pay a per-block-won fee recomputed every period (for example, every month). In practice, at the beginning of period $t$ a builder decides whether to receive flow from MEV blocker. If it decides to do so, for every block won during period $t$ it will pay a per-block fee calculated as a percentage of the the average per-block-won value of exclusive MEV Blocker transactions during the previous period. Mathematically, the per-block fee for period $t$ is a percentage of:
📄️ Reasoning behind the Fee
Why this fee mechanism?
📄️ Builder Fee Management Smart Contract
The contract's source code is available on GitHub and is deployed at 0x08cd77feb3fb28cc1606a91e0ea2f5e3eaba1a9a.